Musik dan Industri: Sound Art
1 Introduksi “If there are answers to the question of how music will be performed, enacted or experienced in the 21st century, then some of them will be discovered in the past and future of sound art.”1 Sejak pertengahan 1990-an hingga saat ini, perkembangan internet telah mengubah pola distribusi informasi. Distribusi musik diantaranya termasuk ke… continue reading
1650, 1913, 1916, 1948, 4’33”, Alan Licht, Aminudin TH Siregar, Aristocrat Records, Athanasius Kircher, Automata, avant garde, Bandung, Barbara London, bunyi lingkungan, Cabaret Voltaire, cassette tape, CD, Chance Operation, Chess Records, Chicago, compact disc, Cristoph Cox, Dada, David Toop, distribusi informasi, distribusi musik, ECF UNPAR, Effect, Elemen Bunyi, environtmental sound, Event, Extension Course Filsafat, Fakultas Filsafat, Field Recording, Filsafat, Filsafat Bunyi, Filsafat Musik, Filsafat Sonik, Flux, Fluxus, Fort Mill, Frank Zappa, From Music to Sound, Galeri Soemardja, Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia, Good Morning: City Noise!!! Sound Art Project, GSRBI, Hampshire College, Hayward Gallery, I Can’t Be Satisfied, I Feel Like Going Home, In the Blink of An Ear: Toward A Non-Cochlear Sonic Art, Industri, Industri Musik, Industry, Instalasi Bunyi, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Instrumen Elektrik, Intermedia, Intonarumori, John Cage, Kaset, Koan Jeff Baysa, London, Luigi Russolo, Miking Independen, MoMA, Muddy Waters, Museum of Modern Art, Music, music in the 21st century, Music Industry, Musik, Musik ke Bunyi, Musique Concrete, Musurgia Universalis, Muzak Corporation, Noise, objet sonore, Paris, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of Sound, Pierre Schaeffer, Pink Floyd, Race Music, Rhythm n Blues, RnB, seni musik, seni rupa, Seth Kim-Cohen, Silent, Silent Prayer, Sonic Boom: The Art of Sound, Sonic Philosophy, sonorous object, Sound Art, sound as sound itself, sound ecology, Sound Installation, sound object, SoundArt Foundation, Soundings: A Contemporary Score, Soundpiece, soundscape, surrounding, Susan Philipsz, The Art of Noises, The past and future of sound art, Turner Prize, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Virtual Reality, William Hellermann