SALON Vol. 4: Encountering the Everyday
Mengidentifikasi Fenomena Budaya Aural The widespread claim that we live in a deeply visualised culture is questioned. It is argued that contemporary Western society can also be characterised in terms of an increasing interest in auditory perception, which the development of sound art as an artistic discipline is one symptom of.1 continue reading
Aural Awareness, Aural Culture, Bandung New Emergence, Bandung New Emergence v.6, Batman Begins, Being, Being and Time, BNE v.6, Budaya Aural, Bunyi Keseharian, Dasein, Florian Hollerweger, Julian Young, Keseharian, Martin Heidegger, Persepsi Auditori, Salon, Salon Vol. 4, Sehari-hari, Sein und Zeit, Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, Sound Art, The Death of God and the Meaning of Life, The Everyday, The Overlooked, The Revolution is Hear! Sound Art the Everyday and Aural Awareness