Expanded Media Improvisation In everyday life, the development of media technology has changed human behavior or habits. Marshall McLuhan has at least attempted to illustrate it in his 1964 book entitled Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. McLuhan proposed that regardless of the content or messages contained within the media (for example news or radio… continue reading
Aditya H Martodiharjo, Annisa Maharani, Atelier MTK, Bandung, Brandon LaBelle, Celluloid, Clovis Lemaire-Cardoen, Collaboration, Etienne Caire, Expanded Cinema, Fluxus, Group Ongaku, IFI, IFI Bandung, Improvisasi, Improvisation, Indira Larasati, Institut Francais Indonesia, John Cage, Joyce Laine, Kolaborasi, Lab Laba Laba, Loic Verdillon, Marshall McLuhan, Media, Music, Musik, Musik Noise, Noise, Noise Music, Open Work, Performance, Performans, Pertunjukan, Riuh Saudara, Sabrina Eka Felisiana, Sarana, Seluloid, Stan Van Der Beek, Umberto Eco